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ВСЕ О PostScript

Все материалы, находящиеся в этом разделе, являются переводами документов с сайта


A time limit was exceeded. This occurs when there is too great a time gap between receiving two portions of the same job. This error seems to have disappeared now that most devices use ethernet instead of serial or parallel connections.

Методы устранения:

Start by checking out your driver settings.

If you are using Windows 3.XX and a parallel or serial connection to the RIP you should increase the timeout values for your RIP. Double-click on the Printers icon in the Windows Control Panel and select your RIP from the Installed Printers scroll list. Click Connect. The Connect dialog box is displayed. The Timeouts (seconds) area contains two fields: "Device Not Selected" and "Transmission Retry". Enter values in these two fields (the value you enter in the "Device Not Selected" field should be double the value you enter in the "Transmission Retry" field), and click OK.

Some vendors like Agfa also have little PostScript tools you can download to the RIP to make it wait a little longer while receiving data.

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