Fast Spline Connector for Cinema 4D


Connect spline segments fast and easy!

SKU: fsc-pln Category: Tags: , , ,


As you know, built-in functions Cinema 4D does not allow to connect a segments of a single spline. But now you can do it with this a little but very useful plug-in! Pretty fast, pretty easy!
Start with any un-joined splines.
Source spline

Select two points and use the “Get” button to automatically set the correct distance tolerance. Parameter can be adjusted with minimum and maximum value to find points more accurate. Increase value little bit, if current tolerance is not enough.
Measure distance

The Join mode creates a new segment between connected points.
Join mode

The Weld mode weld two spline points into a single point.
The newly welded point will lie at the mid-point of the welded points.
Weld mode

Automatic extrude option.

Customize interpolation, chamfer and segment length options for connected points.
Customize interpolation, chamfer and segment length options for connected points
Customize interpolation, chamfer and segment length options for connected points