TakeMatPass plugin for creating color masks for materials received a major update to version 1.5
New features and changes:
1. Now the plugin assigns masks not only for materials, but also for individual objects and texture tags.
2. Ability to set the same color for selected objects / materials / tags. To do this, by pressing the Create button, hold down SHIFT.
3. Support for non-standard Cinema 4D materials, as well as Octane and VrayC4d and other renders.
4. The Delete button completely deletes all the information created by the plugin: take, materials, render settings.
1. Various kinds of simulations, for example, Dynamics or Mograph-animation must be cached or baked into keyframes before rendering.
2. The effects of visual deformation of geometry (displacement) created by materials of third-party renders are not supported.

TakeMatPass for Cinema 4D
Color ID and White matte passes for your materials, objects and texture tags!