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Category: Cinema 4D
Cinema 4D: Cubic Transition. Part 1

Today we will try to replicate the effect that Royale used to rebrand the Discovery Channel.
Cinema 4D: Stage Object
In just five minutes, we will learn how to switch between cameras, make editing using a Stage object.
Continue reading Cinema 4D: Stage ObjectPuzzle Effect in C4D
Всего за пять минут я расскажу, как собираются пазлы в Cinema 4D.
Continue reading Puzzle Effect in C4D
Exporting animation from After Effects to Cinema4D
Как экспортировать анимацию камеры и трехмерных слоев из Adobe After Effects в Cinema 4D.
Скачать скрипт для экспорта/импорта анимации можно тут.
Скачать плагин Sure Target 2 от Андрю Крамера здесь.
Continue reading Exporting animation from After Effects to Cinema4D
Flying Text
Создаем эффект парящего в воздухе текста в программе Cinema 4D R11.5.
Continue reading Flying Text
3D Text Transition
How to create a transition between episodes in the form of animated 3d-text. To do this, we will use Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects.
Continue reading 3D Text Transition