Using this python preset you can manage many different cameras in your scene and use timeline markers to decide when to cut to a particular camera.
Continue reading Switch Camera By MarkersUsing this python preset you can manage many different cameras in your scene and use timeline markers to decide when to cut to a particular camera.
Continue reading Switch Camera By MarkersRecreating an extremally usefull xpresso preset by Rich Nosworthy.
Using Easy Camera Morph preset you can animate camera movement by camera number instead Blend parameter.
Animate Camera Morph by camera number
Недавно задали хороший вопрос, после чего появилась мысль записать урок на соответствующую тему. Оптимизируем проект содержащий большое количество однотипной геометрии и не только.
В этом видео мы рассмотрим два способа: с помощью модулей Mograph и XPresso.
In just five minutes, we will learn how to switch between cameras, make editing using a Stage object.
Continue reading Cinema 4D: Stage Object