Using this Python script you can import to Cinema 4D scene images from folder as Planes
Continue reading Cinema 4D Free Script: Images To Planes ImporterUsing this Python script you can import to Cinema 4D scene images from folder as Planes
Continue reading Cinema 4D Free Script: Images To Planes ImporterLet’s take a look how import color groups from some websites
Continue reading Cinema 4D Script: Import ColorsHow load information from Json or Csv file to create colored materials in Cinema 4D
Continue reading Cinema 4D Python: Json & CsvToday let’s take a look on how to import OBJ Sequence to Cinema 4D.
Often, when working with large projects, many of its aspects are carried out in various applications. For example, various simulations of destruction, liquid, fire, smoke, etc. In order to integrate the result of such work into the Cinema 4D scene, the format of the sequence of files of some 3D format is usually used. Unfortunately Cinema 4D does not support importing sequence files. In this small video, I’ll show you how to get around this limitation using my plugin Batch Processor.
Check out TutorialEasily batch handle and convert between all the 3D formats that are supported by Cinema 4D.
How to get object modeling axis and set it as object axis in Cinema 4D using Python
Using this Python XPresso nodes you can control scene when it sends to the render on Picture Viewer.
Continue reading Cinema 4D Python: View on Render OnlyHello guys!
I’ve created little solution to send python code from almost any code editor to execute in Cinema 4D. Also it works for code editing of Pyton Generators, Effectors, Tags and Fields!
Thanks for Remote Code Runner – Cinema 4D & Sublime Text plugin by NiklasRosenstein.